Why We Have An Order Form and Why You Should Use It!

Hey customer!  So you want a custom piece?  And you've sent me an email but you haven't filled out our custom order form?  Why bother, right?  Well here are a few reasons...

1) It saves us from going back and forth in email, thus saving us both time.  There are things you may not even consider as factoring into cost.  One thing that many people surprisingly omit is thickness.  
Customer: How much for a 24x24?
Customer: ?
BKBB: Unless you're living in Flatland, that might as well be a big fat zero

2) It saves me from going through emails.
I will admit to having avoided forms and instead started up an email conversation with a representative of a company.  But now I understand by not doing so, one not only requires pretty meaningless work on the company's part, but (in our case) you also are delaying everyone else's orders by making me go through 15 email exchanges. For the record, I get about eight or so *new* emails a day.  You can see how quickly this multiplies.  You want your piece and I want your piece out of here ;) Hey, it's cramped here in Brooklyn!  So let's speed this process up together

3) You don't even know what you want, but I do.

For example, another thing everyone fails to mention--the edge.  Particularly which edges.  A piece will be all done but we'll have to hold onto it for a few extra days all because I have no idea what the deal is with the edges

By all means, if you have any suggestions about how to improve our custom order form system, I would *love* to hear it.  Email me at contact@brooklynbutcherblocks.com

On another note, I am working on a blogpost that takes a look at some imrpovements we've made in the sanding portion of our shop.  It should be pretty awesome, so keep your eyes peeled!
